
Mahatma Gandhi Martyrdom Day

It was an incredible privilege to mark Mahatma Gandhiji's martyrdom day in Parliament Square with Lord Desai, Lord Rami Ranger, the Trustees of the Gandhi Statue Memorial Trustees, the 1928 Institute and others.

Raising £1million for the Royal Legion

Back in November, I joined a hardworking group of volunteers in fundraising for the Poppy Legion and we heard the wonderful news - London #PoppyDay raised a whopping £1 million!!

Conservative Environment Network

I'm proud to support the Conservative Environment Network- and have had the pleasure of serving on CEN's Advisory Board since 2021. It was great to be able to celebrate the historic COP deal to halve biodiversity loss by 2030, and to hear from Secretary of State Therese Coffey.

Selling poppies for the British Royal Legion

I joined a hardworking group of volunteers (including the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak) in selling poppies at Westminster station. Wearing a poppy represents all those who lost their lives on active service, from the beginning of WW1 right up to present day.

Festival of Politics at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

I was delighted to be invited to speak on a panel in the Scottish Parliament during the Festival of Politics at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

The key questions were: Why are levels of trust in politics continuing to decline? What are the solutions for building a healthier democracy?

Resham on Women on Boards Panel

As part of our month long celebrations of #internationalwomensday2022 at Wise, I had the privilege of speaking to 3 amazing women about their experiences serving on boards.

Why was this panel important?

IWD Roundtable at No. 10

It was a privilege to spend #internationalwomensday at a round table at #NumberTen hosted by Oliver Dowden MP, Chairman of the Party and Victoria Atkins MP, Minister of State.